Donald Trump has been good for the GOP
A recent Newsweek article revealed Ronna McDaniel's RNC is sucking wind, but the narrative of Trump failure persists. But it's a GOP leadership problem.
Trump detractors in the GOP are truly insane!
I hear alot of talk from campaign people and on social media about all the failures of Donald Trump and the need to “move on” because “we can’t win” since “Donald Trump is going to drag the party down in 2024.” I don’t argue too much with these people because the numbers completely, hilariously contradict their argument.
I ran across a Newsweek article last week which showed Ronna McDaniel’s Republican National Committee is at its lowest Cash-On-Hand level in decades. She has something over $9 million in the bank. This also compares to the Democrats that have a bit over $20 million as of the last reporting period. It’s a pitiful performance by McDaniel that reveals the disgust Republicans have for her performance. Frankly, after 2022 results, who can blame them for their loathing?
Donald Trump has been a winner for Republicans. The record obviously hasn’t been perfect. He lost his re-election and some congressional seats. What makes that analysis so (dare I say it?) dumb is the people making it are comparing Trump to perfection. When you look closely, the absurdity of the claim is quite apparent. Worse, Trump’s detractors have never (and I mean NEVER!) performed at his levels.
There is no Republican President in history since the first Republican President who has taken more heat, suffered more attacks from outside and inside the party, or had to face total disaster more often than Donald Trump. Ronald Reagan came close, but his challenges upon close inspection don’t compare to the horrible situation both Trump and Lincoln found themselves in.
I’m going to give Lincoln the edge here, but Donald Trump is within shouting distance of Lincoln’s perilous presidency.
Let’s analyze Trump’s amazing performance
The RNC fundraising chart below reveals a key aspect of Donald Trump's success: fundraising. The roosters presently guarding the GOP hen house aren't cutting it. We keep being told how much of a failure Donald Trump is. "We lost governors. We lost legislative bodies. We lost congressional seats. He lost in 2020."
The problem with that analysis is governorships and legislative bodies were at nearly all-time highs for the GOP before he came into office in 2016. We have Barack Obama’s arrogant presidency to blame for that. Yes, he lost congressional seats. That may be his weakest point, but keep in mind that congressional approval numbers have been lately at all time lows. That's a function of GOP House leadership under the Boehner/Ryan dogma--both unceremoniously driven out of their speakerships.
As for 2020, Trump only lost by 38,257 votes in the swing states that would have given him a victory over Biden.
With all the attacks; with two unprecedented and irrationally harebrained impeachments; with the Russia Hoax drumming in people’s ears for years; with Democrat and BLM encouraged and promoted riots in the streets; with government-induced COVID lockdowns; Donald Trump was able to endure and lose one of the closest elections in American history in terms of Electoral Vote count.
One of Trump's successes in overall performance is the amount of money he helped Republicans raise. RNC fundraising was going at a strong clip when Trump was President but dropped off precipitously after he left the White House on January 20, 2021. He was clearly the fuel behind that strong money showing. He helped raise the money. And Republican voters around the country were happy with him in office despite the massive efforts to undermine his presidency.
Trump may not be perfect in many people's eyes. But he is clearly the best shot the GOP has for success. And he is clearly the best performing of all four Presidents this century when you consider economic performance and expanding the GOP base.
Congressional job approval, Gallup:…
Republicans are running out of money: