Government is literally out to kill freedom
Canada is becoming a violent, socialist state, Mitch McConnell is already throwing in the towel--and it's your fault not his, Liz Cheney is a hack--and I believe we've heard the last of her
In Canada, they want to kill patients. Is this coming to the United States too?
Saifedean Ammous is one of the best advocates of Bitcoin. His book The Bitcoin Standard is a must read (as well as his follow-up book The Fiat Standard). He recently posted a Twitter thread that is worth reading.

This is the same Canada that raided the bank accounts of truckers protesting lockdowns. Their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called them racist Nazis. It is also the Canada that prefers to kill its patients when they become too expensive to care for.

You should read the entire thread. It’s a clinic on how the Canadian government kills freedom, holds their physicians as hostages to their failed government-controlled medical system…

…and in its healthcare system literally kills its people when they become inconvenient. And never forget how local and federal Canadian government authorities arrested pastors and church members for going to church during COVID lockdowns. And Justin Trudeau poo-pooed the burning down of churches after revelations of mass graves created in the 19th Century on Indian reservations.
What Trudeau is doing in Canada is the dream-state AOC and The Squad hope to accomplish in the United States. But they are about to become irrelevant. The Democrat Party has adopted this position too. Their beliefs as a party are not as clearly state as Trudeau’s—yet. But are no different. They think just like him deep down.
You crazy, misguided MAGA people. You messed up Mitch’s super-duper plans again!
Let’s just get this out there first. Mitch McConnell isn’t Thor or Iron Man. He ain’t Thanos either. Unless he’s working on top-notch, constitutionalist judicial nominees (and that’s the one and only thing I like about him), he just doesn’t have the umpf.
I’ve worked in and around politics for 30 years now. I spent eight years working on Capitol Hill. After watching the pissing match Mitch McConnell was having with Rick Scott in previous months, it was only a matter of time until ol’ Mitch blamed everyone but himself for the so-far poor performance of his Senate candidates this year.
“I kain’t deal with them mediocre candidates y’all give me!”
Hey, Mitch. Have you ever taken a hard look at the people sitting in the chairs at your caucus meetings? Lots’a mediocre people sitting there if you haven’t noticed. Hang in there. You can do this. There is already historical precedent staring you in the face every week you’re in session.
The Bush-Cheney fiasco is hopefully come to its end
Anyone who follows what I write here or elsewhere knows I am no fan of George W. Bush. I remember the time I attended the RNC Midwest Leadership Conference in 1996 which was held at Indianapolis. Then Texas Governor George W. Bush was the keynote speaker. He was obviously ramping up his future bid for President. I turned to a friend I was standing with and say, “I cannot believe this guy is going to become President. Of course, he was successful. He had the backing of GOP leaders at a time before John McCain’s campaign finance reform efforts (a consequence of his disdain for Bush as a result of the 2000 primaries) when that mattered alot.
George W. Bush essentially set us up for many of the problems we’ve had this century. And Dick Cheney played a huge role in those problems.
Bush took us to war on false premises. I opposed an open-ended Authorization of the use of Military Force (AUMF). In fact, that vehicle was unconstitutional. Congress may only declare war. We actually never did that. Congress just told the President to just go out and do anything you want to “to keep us safe.” And they kept spending the money.
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Then Congress passed the Patriot Act. This lead to the surveillance of Americans which is ongoing to this day. It changed the FISA Court from a tool to get at foreign terrorists to a tool to bypass our judicial system to get at Americans—and eventually an elected President.
The Office of Management and Budget projected in 2000 and 2001 that we would have already paid off the national debt after the emergence of budget surpluses during the Clinton Administration. George W. Bush inherited a $4 trillion national debt and doubled by the time he left office.
Behind all these policies was Dick Cheney. I used to have a pretty high opinion of him prior to his Vice Presidency. It was lost by the end of it.
Liz Cheney emerged on the scene as a real Carpetbagger in Wyoming. She tried to take out Mike Enzi—an acceptably conservative Senator, sort of. But everyone knew she was trading on her daddy’s name. She went to Congress and proceeded to become part of the system. Don’t listen to all the talk that she was so conservative because she “voted with Donald Trump 90% of the time.” I supported Trump. And I like much of what he did as President. But he was no conservative. And she was far worse.
Then she went all “Trump is Evil” and accepted Pelosi’s appointment to the the Jan 6 Committee. What a farce! If you want to take down Trump, try to do it by legal means. Jan 6 Committee is anything by legal or bound to any sense of the rule of law.
The voters in Wyoming saw through her immediately. And she was dumped.
Don’t believe what you hear from some in the media who fawn over Cheney and her “profile in courage.” She is a coward. And I say good riddance to her and to the Bush/Cheney nightmare.