The Facebook and Deep State integration is quite real
Thanks to the Missouri Attorney General's revelations from discovery in the Missouri v. Biden, we are learning more about the extent of government intervention in public discourse.
January 13, 2023
The Biden White House took hold of social media. We know that now. They control most of what you see and information you consume with the help of compliant media and corporations.
Politicians want control. The entire effort of electoral politics is gaining as much control as possible so one can maintain and build upon their previous success. Momentum is also key to these efforts. A politician or group of them must continually build upon the narrative they seek to create for themselves.
This determination has a benign effect when the rules of the game are well-established and successfully enforced. In the United States, those rules have always been secured in the First Amendment. The enforcement of those rules occurs within the delicate balance of transparency and robust debate. The United States has secured its freedom through the rule of a free people who wisely discern the character of the politicians. Then after gathering all the information they can, they provide a check against the politicians at the ballot box. Our politicians have historically known they are responsible to prove discerning, self-governing behavior in their actions in accordance with the public interest.
That delicate balance between determined political effort and the biennial election process allowed the United States to become a beacon of hope for freedom. But politicians have been scheming for some time to adjust that balance by putting the control of information in their hands. And now it seems they have successfully tipped the scales in their favor. They are doing this by intimidating corporations and social media platforms using the power of the government as a threat.
Former Press Secretary Jen Psaki began to talk about how the Biden administration sought to wield this new power early in her tenure. On July 17, 2021, she made it very clear Biden’s team regularly sought to influence the content of COVID information on social media platforms. Here’s what she said:
We work to engage with [social media companies] to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies. . . . We want to know that the social media platforms are taking steps to address [viral posts about COVID]—that is inaccurate false information.
It’s true. They did work to “engage” with social media companies. That engagement is much deeper than we all knew.
You might recall when Mark Zuckerberg slipped up and first gave us hesitant insight into this “engagement” at Facebook. He was on Joe Rogan’s podcast in August of last year. Rogan asked him how Facebook handled the censorship of the Huter Biden Laptop story. In Zuckerberg’s response, he mentioned the FBI in 2020 came to Facebook claiming that there might be Russian info drops leading up to the election. Here’s what he said.
We took a different path than Twitter. I mean, basically the background here is the FBI I think basically came to us, some folks on our team, was, like, “Hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert, we thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump of -- of -- that's similar to that, so just be vigilant. . . .”
We weren't sort of as black and white about it as Twitter. We just kind of thought, “Hey, look. If, if the FBI which I still view as a legitimate institution in this country. It's a very professional law enforcement, they come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something, then I want to take that seriously.
His appraisal of the integrity of the FBI isn’t so accurate in the perception of the American people. But more on that in a moment.
Here’s part of that video
Zuckerberg wasn’t telling the truth. When I first watched this video last year, it seemed he initially realized when he answered the question he was about to spill the beans. But he held something back. There was a much more thoroughgoing back and forth Facebook had already established by that time with the FBI and other government agencies. Twitter had done this as well. The Twitter Files have revealed a deep and ever-expanding effort by the federal government to silence dissenting voices with the full compliance of social media platforms. Now we have more complete proof of Facebook’s participation in the scheme.
On Wednesday of this week, Michael Shellenberger shared insights on his Twitter account and his Substack about files obtained by the Missouri Attorney Generals office in the Missouri v. Biden civil lawsuit. Facebook as well are integrated with the Biden White House as early as March of 2021. We know from documents in the Twitter Files that connection was established as far back as 2017, and it most certainly continues to this day.
In a March 21, 2021 email sent by a Facebook employee to Andrew Slavitt,
Senior White House Advisor and former acting Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMMS) and Rob Flaherty Director of Digital Strategy in the Biden White House, gave a list of items they would be fulfilling to censor not just “misinformation” but also “often-true-content” that would increase the “virality” of information the Biden administration deemed harmful.

This memo reads like something a subordinate would send to a superior to validate they had fulfilled orders given. That compliant behavior was happening between the government at Twitter as we now know. It’s actually an amazing and ominous read when you consider who is interacting here.
We are watching the slow-motion takeover of American industry by government actors. For example, the SEC is obsessed with implementing Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in the board rooms of publicly traded companies to force a change the cultural order. They do this with threats of regulation and newly imposed guidelines. And huge investment companies like Blackrock and Vanguard use their influence with these companies where they have investments to carry on that effort at the behest of the federal government.
Since Elon Musk purchased Twitter, we are now finding out the government has built an apparatus which is presently capable of controlling the information which the American people receive. Government agencies like the FBI, DHS, and even the State Department and CIA are controlling key aspects of our public information flow. And in combination with a mostly compliant media, Americans are given a false narrative about our politics and culture designed to move our society in a direction they deem best.