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About Jim Pfaff

Jim is a nationally-recognized public policy leader. He is known for his skills in strategic management, organizational development, and public outreach for government officials, political campaigns, and non-profit organizations.

Jim is the President/CEO of Innovative Research and Data Solutions, LLC and the Innovative Solutions Group.

Jim has been the host of the Against Nice podcast available on most podcast platforms. You can also connect to the feed here.

In Washington D.C., he served as Chief of Staff for two different Congressman–Cong. Thomas Masse (R-KY) and Cong. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), effectively leading congressional staff and directly involved in the policy-making process. Jim has previously served as the Executive Director of Americans for Prosperity of Colorado, President of the Colorado Family Institute, and a National Representative for Family Policy Councils at Focus on the Family. He is a graduate of The Webb School in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. He studied English and Political Science, at Indiana University.

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Sobre Jim Pfaff

Jim é um líder em políticas públicas reconhecido nacionalmente. Ele é conhecido por suas habilidades em gestão estratégica, desenvolvimento organizacional e divulgação pública para autoridades governamentais, campanhas políticas e organizações sem fins lucrativos.

Jim é o Presidente/CEO da Innovative Research and Data Solutions, LLC e do Innovative Solutions Group.

Jim foi o apresentador do podcast Against Nice, disponível na maioria das plataformas de podcast. Você também pode se conectar ao feed aqui.

Em Washington D.C., ele atuou como Chefe de Gabinete para dois congressistas diferentes – Cong. Thomas Masse (R-KY) e Cong. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), liderando efetivamente a equipe do congresso e envolvido diretamente no processo de tomada de decisões políticas. Jim já foi Diretor Executivo da Americans for Prosperity do Colorado, Presidente do Colorado Family Institute e Representante Nacional para Conselhos de Políticas Familiares na Focus on the Family. Ele é formado pela The Webb School em Bell Buckle, Tennessee, e estudou Inglês e Ciência Política na Indiana University.

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From the political inside A publication of Innovative Solutions Group


Jim Pfaff is the President of The Conservative Caucus. Jim’s political career stretches over three decades.