Jim Pfaff
Against Nice Podcast
Devon Archer testimony review by Jim Pfaff

Devon Archer testimony review by Jim Pfaff

Today on the Against Nice Podcast, Jim Pfaff gives an analysis of what we know about the Devon Archer testimony in a private conference of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in the US House of Representative Monday. 

We don't yet have the actualy transcript of the private testimony. That will be coming later. But we do have a thread on the X app (fomerly Twitter) which outlines some key parts of the exchange between the Congressmen on the committee and Hunter Biden's former business partner Devon Archer.

Here's a link to the GOP House Oversight committee's X thread. 

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Jim Pfaff
Against Nice Podcast
Against Nice is a podcast hosted by Jim Pfaff. Jim is a national political leader with nearly 30 years of experience at every level of political activity. From Colorado to Washington, DC, Jim has played a role in influencing politics and policy.