Facebook has had a very bad week. The 60 Minutes interview with the Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen made a big splash on Sunday. That was magnified on Tuesday when Facebook was inaccessible for a number of hours starting at 11:45 am. And then Haugen testified at a Congressional hearing on Tuesday claiming among other things Facebook knows Instagram is harming the psychology of young girls yet does nothing about it. It didn't look pretty.
Conservatives and Republicans, in particular, want Facebook hung high in the air by their necks. Many have advocated for breaking up Facebook as a company and regulating the industry as a whole. They are tired of the systematic censorship in all of social media. But hold on a moment. Have you considered what it would mean if Congress suddenly did regulate social media? Jim Pfaff says it would be far worse than the current situation. He explains why in this podcast of his time on WYDE radio in Birmingham Tuesday, October 5, 2021.
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