What in the world do we mean "Against Nice." Jim Pfaff shares his idea behind this concept. Aren't "nice" people who we should aspire to be? Don't nice people have good intentions? What does it mean to be nice?
Jim talks about why he says "nice people are often meanest, most evil people in the world. Sure, motivations may seem good. The goals may sound like something we want. But "nice" people have an idea in their mind they want to impose upon you.
On the other hand, kindness is a much different motivation. Kind people think of others before themselves. There are times kindness has a gentle approach. But kindness must at times correct bad ideas and actions. Parents are kind when they discipline their children. But no child thinks discipline is very nice when it's happening.
Listen to the podcast to learn more. And you can read Jim's ideas about the harm in being "nice" at www.PoliticsIsntNice.com.
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